Dog & Puppy Training
At Harmony Puppy we strive to help mold confident and curious puppies grow into well adapted, adult dogs.
The time we spend together will be tailored to your needs. We can work on a range of issues or simply plan for the arrival of your puppy.
Insights on enrichment.
I am not the creator of enrichment. Wonderful work has been and is still being done at Zoo’s and sanctuaries. If you’re interested in learning more about enrichment, please read “Canine Enrichment for the Real World” by Allie Bender and Emily Strong. The book is amazing and full of insights that can help anyone trying to tap into their beloved pet.
Enrichment includes many aspects and topics that allow an animal to have a healthy, safe and fulfilling life, whatever that definition means for that species. Dog, cat, horse, bird, gunnie pig, lizard..
Agency is important. Our dog’s agency could be a choice of resting in a comfortable dog bed near a couch or resting in a quiet bedroom on a rug. Both areas are equally appealing to the dog. If we need to work on relaxation with our animals, having them have some control on where to rest depending upon what is happening in the home could help reduce their stress. Agency does not mean a choice between jumping up on the counter to steal food or running out the door to chase a squirrel. Both of those choices may be great fun for your animal and may even be a species typical behavior (eating and scavenging or predatory behavior) but both behaviors in each context are not safe and not human world acceptable.
Enrichment is implementing plans based on observations. Let’s look at the behaviors of counter surfing and squirrel chasing. We are seeing this dog may need scent work with food. A snuffle mat with treats or their food hidden inside could be a wonderful outlet for this animal. The use of a flirt pole with a stuffy animal as a squirrel tied to the end and then the dog is given the opportunity to chase, may be the perfect way to get this behavior fulfilled. Putting this plan into play along with good management of the environment (keeping food off the counters, baby gates to block off the kitchen). Training could also help. Teaching our animal great things happen if they decide to lay on a bed or rug instead of jumping up.
Once we put our plan into place, we then observe the outcome. If we observe that the animal does not enjoy using the snuffle mat, then the snuffle mat is not enriching at this time. We may need to preference test the food we are hiding. It could be that the food is not enticing enough for our animal to search for it. Does our plan reduce counter surfing? At Harmony Puppy we give you the tools to observe and learn how to implement
Training Services
The term basic behaviors is an oxymoron. Behavior is never black or white. Behavior is never in a vacuum and never without emotion.
What we mean by basic behavior is teaching our dog’s ways to coexist in our human world in a healthy way. Dogs are not born knowing our human rules and tendencies. Dogs have their own wonderful species behaviors which is why we love them. When teaching basic behaviors, we look at the dog in front of us, their past and learning history, genetic make-up, age and temperament. Harmony Puppy Training feels the way we accomplish the goals of basic behaviors are just as important as the outcome.
We can figure out the best place to have your puppy, what it can access to, and plan for the best set up for house training.
A setup plan is especially valuable when kids live in the home so that everyone can have their own space but also the ability to interact.
Puppies have a critical socialization period of 16 weeks. This means that there is a short window to positively socialize your puppy to people, kids, other dogs, city noises, walking canes, and anything else we can think of to avoid issues later in their life. Proper introductions to the world around them is the bread and butter to having a well adjusted pet.
To support the critical socialization work that we'll do, I can provide safe play dates for your puppy to learn how to properly play with other dogs. The dogs I choose for play dates can be other puppies or older dogs with great play styles that will help socialize your pup and also teach him/her proper play etiquette.
Dogs have their own communication language. They use everything from their eyes and mouth to their tail. Different vocalizations can also have different meanings. Tap into these signals and read your dog to address what he or she is trying to tell you. Are they fearful in an environment? Are they enjoying a belly rub?
Recall training is one of the most important, safe behaviors to work on and practiced throughout the life of your dog. Never should this skill be taken for granted. Whether you live near Prospect Park, Owls Head Park or Dyker Park, beach, or a dog run, being able to call your dog back to you at a moment’s notice is critical. Teaching your dog coming to you is fun and safe is the bases of our training.
Problem solving can be something that happened in your environment right before the problem behavior: Ex. a hamburger was placed on the kitchen counter and the dog smells the yummy burger.
Problem solving can be something that happens with the dog right after the behavior is practiced? Ex. The dog jumps up to the counter and eats the burger!! Jumping up on the counter has been reinforced by eating the burger!!!
Problem solving includes asking what needs have to be addressed Is the dog experiencing pain?
Another example: Dogs need to chew for many reasons and at different stages of life. We should not suppress the need to chew. If we see our dog is chewing shoes or table legs, they are letting us know chewing is a need. Giving the appropriate chewing items can address this problem.
It’s helpful to ask ourselves what behaviors we want our dogs to have, instead of trying to stop certain behaviors entirely. Being clear and consistent upon reinforcing the behaviors we want goes a long way.
Problem solving can be as simple as shutting a garbage can or teaching the dog to be on a mat outside the kitchen. For other households, problem solving can have more layers.
I work with the dog one on one while the guardian is not present either in the guardians environment or my own to help jumpstart a behavior, help socialize a puppy, help with fear issues and triggers, etc.
Every client must first begin with an initial consultation either in person or on Zoom before working together on day training.
Cost: $115/hr (two hour minimum)